Thursday, February 01, 2007

PS3 Woes

I just got PS3 and had to return it days later because the unit was defective, all games freeze at the menu. Have to send it back to the manufacturer for replacement. It's the $600 system too... go figure. That's all I have to say about that... Gaaawsh!! Friggin' Idiot!!


Mike said...


Chuck said...

i've had one since launch and the thing is a piece of crap right now. The latest firmware update fixes the scaling issue but where are the games?

Mike said...

Unless Sony changes things quickly, it would appear to me that they are getting a little bit complacent. 360 is no challenge in Asia, and the PS2 was dominant in America. Sony's not hungry anymore. Nintendo's been there. For Sony's sake, hopefully they snap out of it quickly.

Chuck said...

MS is actually making a small push in asia with Blue dragon [the limited edition bundle sold out instantly] and now they are getting VF5 and a few more traditional rpg's.