Monday, February 05, 2007

Do We Enjoy Games More When We Have Less of Them?

Think back when you were younger, and you probably did not have the amount of videogames that you have right now. Did you enjoy and get more out of your games back then? I honestly believe that I got more out of my games when I was younger than I do now that I have all of the games I want.

Today, I can purchase any game that I want, play them in surround sound and in high definition. Yet, I seem to turn off games a lot quicker if I get frustrated or get to a part that I don't particularly like. When I was a kid playing NES, I would have to borrow games in order to play something different. When I was actually lucky enough to get another game I cherished it for a long long time and beat it many times over, enjoying every single time that I did so. In a world of achievements and online play, it seems like people have taken that for granted, including myself.

I wish that this wasn't the case but I can't really help it. If I get to a frustrating part in a game like Lost Planet, I can very easily turn off my 360 and turn on my PS3 and start playing Resistance. If the same thing happens I can jump online or switch to my Wii. I may never go back to Lost Planet or Resistance again because of the last major reason why we don't enjoy our games as much. There are simply too many of them.

Every week many games are released for all systems, and with Gamefly and/or a local gamestore just around every corner, there is nothing stopping you from trying most of them out. I believe that people play more games nowadays but don't get into them as much as they did when there weren't as many available. I am on the 4 game plan with Gamefly and I can't tell you how many times I've opened a game, thrown it into one of my systems and played it for literally 5 minutes before I realize it sucks and put it back in the envelope to go back. Why do I do this? Because I know I have a large line of games that are ready to be shipped to my house and I want to play them all [let alone the stack of games that I've been meaning to play for half a year now].

Sometimes I wish I only had 1 system and a few games for the system. Especially since it seems like I cannot focus on any online games anymore because I play too many. During my SOCOM or Counterstrike days, those were the only games I would play every day routinely because I strived to be great at them. The quantity of games that are out now force you to miss out on too many good games just to stay good at one, and I am not sure that I am willing to make that sacrifice.

The last game that I put down all other games for was World of Warcraft. But the only reason why it was able to do so is because it was so addicting. Perhaps it was the leveling up, but I felt compelled to play and keep up with all of my friends. Maybe if future games incorporate the fanatical leveling race, I might be able to stick it out and stay enthralled in it.

I guess it isn't all my fault, most games today don't have the charm or gameplay to hold my attention like they used to. Very little is "new" these days and we live in a world of sequels and upgrades. Look at some of the hottest games coming this year: Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Devil May Cry 3, Metal Gear Solid 4, Grand Theft Auto 4, Halo 3, GRAW 2...see what I mean? I am looking forward to and will purchase all of the games listed, but when will the novelty wear off? I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't finish half of the games mentioned just because of the shear number that are coming out.

I conclude with a challenge, stick it out. If you get to a frustrating or difficult part of a game, keep going and you WILL feel a sense of accomplishment that games were meant to produce. I have recently been pushing myself through most of the games that I play or at least keeping them and going back to them after a short amount of time. The reward is fulfilling and I encourage you all to do the same.

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