Monday, October 23, 2006

What? I Will Smack You

I was playing Ridge Racer on my new Xbox 360 just yesterday with my younger brother (who has my old PS2, and is 13, mind you). This is the first time that I let him get his grubby, potato chip and grease filled little hands on my 360, so of course I asked the all time greatest question: "What do you think about the graphics? Is this the same as PS2 or what?" He responds, "Yeah, it's the same". Um, what?! I will smack you. I guess the mind of a minor doesn't pick up these... major differences. I guess Ridge Racer wasn't the best of games to ask this question to.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Well, as should be obvious, the change in graphics between the generations is growing smaller and smaller. 8 bit graphics to full color smooth 2D graphics to 3D graphics to detailed complex 3d graphics to what we have now. In fact we may not see any significant graphical differences between this upcoming generation and the next (6 yrs or whatever it may be).