Tuesday, October 03, 2006

No Wii or PS3 Pre-Orders at GameStop!

The title says it all folks. At their annual sales conference, GameStop's president, Steve Morgan, put a stop to Nintendo Wii and PlayStation 3 pre-orders. The demand will simply be too much for the hardware supply, and GameStop is not about to take heat like they did on their XBox 360 pre-orders (which they were unable to fulfill by any means). It comes down to business basics, and GameStop is prepared to do what is right for their company, shitty as it may be for us gamers.

"The great thing is there is a lot of demand. But launch is one day. And really the key to this business is what flows after the launch. We did learn a lesson last year. I think the lesson is caution and optimism at the same time." says Steve Morgan, President of GameStop.

1 comment:

Eric said...

This is also the same as Game Crazy, where I work. This was announced for from GC Corporate in early September.