Saturday, March 24, 2007

Granny Gamers

It was reported on FoxNews today that many retirement homes are experimenting with providing entertainment for their guests in he form of Wiis. In initial market testing, they were a huge success, especially with the Wii Sports games (particularly tennis and bowling). What's more? Kids may be a little more motivated to visit Grandma and Grandpa if they know they can challenge them in a video game.

1 comment:

Chris Bumeter said...

Hey man it's Chris Bumeter, I used to write reviews for ya for Gamernext writing reviews and stuff. Anywho might not remember, just figured I'd checkout if anything was up with Gamernext and it led me here so cool stuff. How ya been, blogs look good. If you still have AIM message me sometime, talk some games or whatever. Agent Schnozz is my name. Later buddy.
