Thursday, December 14, 2006

Another Twist in the PS3 Shooting Case

What was originally going to be a small update to the ongoing story concerning the PS3 thief who was killed by police during a raid of his house has now revealed yet another surprise twist. Earlier this week Christopher Long was indicted on second degree murder charges when he fatally shot Payton Strickland after it was reported that Peyton beat up another person for his PS3 console.

However, the foreman on the jury that originally indicted Long realized that he had checked the wrong box on the paperwork. The jury originally voted not guilty while accidentally checking the guilty box. Only after hearing about it second hand did the foreman speak up, which resulted in the charges against Long being immediately dropped.

A 12-year veteran of the sheriff's office, Long was fired after the incident, though he claimed that he heard gunshots inside the house. None of the other officers on the scene could back that claim, however.

Speaking on behalf of his client, Long's lawyer seemed to give the foreman the benefit of the doubt, saying it was a common mistake "in the world of forms." Conversely, Payton's parents were plenty outraged and are now seeking out ways to refile the case against Long.

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